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Bread of Life Newsletter

Posted on Monday, March 13, 2023 at 12:10 PM by Malden Homepage

From our Director
    This past month, the project manager for our Under One Roof building project marvelled that somehow a solution appears to every difficulty we've encountered. Funds, personnel, collaborators, time, equipment have materialized from nowhere. We've seen the same provision for our food security programs. With every obstacle - COVID, insufficient funds, lack of volunteers, tight space, broken vehicles - we've seen a way open to move forward. I have a quotation on the wall of my office that reminds me of this reality. It's from the book of Exodus. Picture the Israelites, led by Moses, having fled slavery in Egypt but now trapped between the Egyptian army pursuing them and the Red Sea in front of them. I can imagine their terror and desperation. But the word Moses gave them was "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today...The Lord will fight for you; you need only be still." (Exodus 14:13,14). We know what happened: the waters parted miraculously and the people walked across on dry land. To my mind, the results for Bread of Life are miraculous too. The foundation for our new building is being poured and we look to completion of construction by year's end. Our food programs surge forward, having provided food access and equity for 122,000 people last year from diverse communities of race, ethnicity, language, culture, religion, age, gender and other factors. Our part, with you our donors and volunteers, is to listen, to trust, to let go of our way, to go God's way, to persevere. Thank you for partnering with us and persevering to make a positive impact for food justice in the communities we serve. One of our high student volunteers recently posted online: "It is difficult to think of the community without Bread of Life...It is great to see the pantry serving so many people in need."

God bless you,

Under One Roof Update
   During March we will be trucking excess soil offsite, completing the concrete pour, and commencing steel erection. When our facility is completed by January 2024, we will have two floors of space for Bread of Life programs and administration, giving us increased capacity to receive and store food donations, increased scheduling latitude for food distribution, and increased ability to utilize volunteers. Our housing partner, Metro North Housing Corp, will own and operate 14 permanent, rent-subsidized studio apartments on the third floor for local homeless individuals and veterans who will be able to access Bread of Life programs within the facility. Thank you to our 1,100+ individuals, businesses, foundations, civic groups, schools, faith communities, the City of Malden and our state legislators for making this possible!


Sponsorship Opportunity
    We are launching a Bread of Life e-news sponsorship opportunity in 2023! For $200 sponsorship per month, we will feature your business with a short paragraph about your partnership and support of Bread of Life, along with your logo and a link to your website. We will feature a new business each month. Please contact Patty Kelly at and become a Bread of Life e-news sponsor!

Gabriella Snyder Stelmack  Executive Director

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