City of Malden MA Businesses, Restaurants & Real Estate. Also.. Local Shopping, Clubs, Schools, City Government, Sports and News

Frequently Asked

Q. What makes different frpom other Malden sites?
A. We are uniquely the ONLY CENTRAL SITE interactively available to the entire City.

Q. Can a crash to this site affect my computer or website?
A. is just like any website that is subject to technical issues, but cannot impact external applications.

Q. I cannot make this my Default Home Page, what am I doing wrong?
A. Try using the tools/ internet options from the menu bar.

Q. Can I customize the Maldenhomepage to list such items as stocks, financials, local sports and any other interests?
A. Our focus is to promote only Malden, its resources and those who may have a positive impact. It is possible to connect to other sites where these features may be available.

Q. Do you plan on adding more features?
A. Yes, we are constantly looking at new features and enhancements. We will implement upgrades periodically.

Q. Who is Gumption eDesign and how much experience do you have with Internet Sites?
A. Gumption eDesign is a locally based business and our computer background is diverse and stretches back more than 23 years.

Q. What are listings, links, Mcards, buttons and banners?

  • Listings = Name, Address & Telephone Number
  • Links = Email and Website Connections
  • Bulletin Boards = An on-site page where you can feature your Group or Company products/ services/ information
  • Buttons = Ads that appear throughout the site to promote your business
  • Banners = Ads that appear throughout the site to promote your business

Q. If your system goes down, do I get any refund?
A. No, much like cable services, we cannot insure against nor guarantee partial outages.

Q. Can I give you my logo or business card to scan into your site?
A. Please refer to the Art requirements on the Rate Sheet, located under the Advertising Link.

Q. Can I put pictures on the site?
A. Photos, in JPEG format, can be uploaded to your Mcard Feature Page.

Q. Can Gumption eDesign keep up with all of the many changes to your Nonprofit Groups and Commercial advertisers?
A. Entities who purchase an Mcard will have the capability to update their own information.

Q. What are the advantages of "refreshing" in
A. You get to see all of the Advertisers of our Site.

Q. Who can sponsor Nonprofit Mcard Feature pages?
A. Any individual or business.

Q. How can you guarantee me that people will visit in the next year?
A. We have an extensive program to remain high profile in the public eye.

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